
Отображаются 1-6 из 6 результатов

Yellow and red onions for sale / Продам лук желтый и красный.

38 000,00 ₽
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38 000,00 ₽
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I will sell onion, packing 21 kg bags, price with transport
to the place of unloading, good quality, calibrated. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Negotiable prices. size 5+ 25 kg bags. Possibility to prepare for a special order. WhatsApp

Продам лук, фасовка мешки 21 кг, цена с транспортом.
до места разгрузки, ... »»»

160 000,00 ₽
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We are Trading Supplier of wholesale and distributor over 1500MT sunflower oil packed, 1L bottle,5L bottle Regular arrival, able to work over the long term. Produced in Europe .The offer applies to sunflower oil. All interested customers should contact us for quotation and more information. WhatsApp

Мы являемся торговым поставщиком ... »»»

120 000,00 ₽
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Percent of cashews: ≥70% Breakage rate: ≤5% Ingredients: Cashews, soy bean oil, salt Main process: selecting roasting, seasoning selecting & metal detection, and packaging in the GMP plant. Key point: CCP :Selecting and metal detection Allergens handled on site: Peanut product, soybean, nut, cereals containing gluten and products thereof, ... »»»

80 000,00 ₽
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Skim milk powder is easy to store because it has less fat content, and is less prone to oxidation. It is the best raw material for making biscuits, cakes, ice cream and other foods. Skim milk powder has certain benefits for the elderly, dyspepsia infants, and patients with diarrhea, gallbladder disease, hyperlipidemia, and chronic pancreatitis. ... »»»

1 500,00 ₽
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We offer Red Bull 250ml
RO inscriptions, suggested retail price
24 pcs / cards, 108 cards / pal, 2592 pcs / pal
-32 pallets — 82,944 pcs Goods in stock in EUR.
Whole sale only. For entities conducting only wholesale sales, without the sugar tax.

Предлагаем Ред Булл 250мл.
Надписи RO, рекомендованная ... »»»

Sell buckwheat Продам гречку

76 000,00 ₽
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76 000,00 ₽
Есть доставка

We sell buckwheat of excellent quality! In bags of 25 or 50 kg at the request of the buyer. Price on the spot FCA Denmark 760 Euro, we can load in your transport. We can also deliver to any city in Europe. per ton.

Продаем гречку отличного качества! В мешках по 25 или 50 кг по желанию покупателя. Цена на месте FCA Дания 760 евро, можем ... »»»



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